
Day 14: More poster work with a touch of Wolfboro

 On our Sunday, we took some more time to head out to Staples and get the supplies we needed in order to get crafting away a little more. Our idea is to create a poster board that has both our flyers, one about composting, and one about recycling, as well as a little blurb about the people we talked to. in addition, we want to rank the locations we went to on their dirtiness. We will also be showing off some of our videos and photos from the past couple of weeks that we have been documenting on our Instagram. We also want to give people the opportunity to check out our Instagram as we plan on posting on it no matter the occasion. On Monday, we spent some time in Wolfeboro on the trails and found about a plastic bag's worth of trash. What a fulfilling way to end our time on a senior project. We feel so grateful to have been given the opportunity to go out and learn hands-on. It is safe to say we learned a lot during this journey.  TOTAL HOURS 56


 Weekly Reflection This week brought forth some groundbreaking epiphanies for the three of us. On our hike to the summit of Mt. Kearsarge, we had the opportunity to talk to the fire marshall names Ron. He told us that he had always grown up in the area and that he had a special appreciation of the forests in New Hampshire. Throughout his life, he has seen, firsthand, the impacts of climate change on the communities he loves. He told us that fires have always been out west and that New Hampshire, in the past, only ever had them on rare occasions. He told us that he rarely goes a week without spotting a few fires from the tower and that if we do not change the way we live, this number will only increase. We asked him a few ways in which we could change how we live so we can avoid this. He told us that he only brings reusable items with him on his hikes as a way to ensure that nothing is getting blown off the mountain. He says the frequent trash he sees is plastics.  This sparked...

Day Thirteen: Poster Work

 Today we headed on over to staples to get our rather expensive supplies for our project. We started grinding on our poster the second we got home. We made some serious progress on our presentation as a whole. We are all very excited to be able to present our findings to the school as we feel we made some awesome breakthroughs and had some stellar Ah-Ha moments. Cannot wait to get this thang done. 

Day Twelve: Interviews and Presentation Work

 Today we hopped on the phone to talk to the one and only Mark. He helped us a lot actually. Mark used to work for a company out in telluride, Colorado and essentially set up a plan for the community to live a sustainable life, however this plan was vetoed unfortunately, however, mark is still incredibly insightful on the topic. He essentially said what we were doing was awesome, but there is much more that needs to be done then simply picking up trash. Yes picking up trash makes our communities more beautiful, however, what then happens with this trash. He said that recycling is important, of course, but it is not as simple as just turning an old bottle into a new one. In order to recycle and be positively impactful doing so, the process has to take less fossil fuels than it did to create whatever it is you’re trying to recycle. So with that being said, things like metal cannot be recycled because it takes a ton of energy to get those things melted down. That is an example of a ti...

Day Eleven: Bradly Lake and Flyers

 This morning we made the trek over to Mindy and Brooks’ beautiful Bradley Lake home in search of trash. It was difficult right off the bat to locate and considering we were on a private property. We still managed to make our way along the road way areas and collect some plastic. We were there for a little while walking up and down the street before we decided to set off on our next task. We went down to Main Street in Concord to show off some of our new flyers and we hung them up in various locations and stores. We all agreed that our man Ron gave us a lot more insightful information than we anticipated as now we can almost calculate which direction trash will be blowing from. Our flyers focused on three main things, sustainability, composting, and recycling as we figured these are three little things people can incorporate into their lives to live a better life.  TOTALT HOURS 51

Day Ten: Mt. Keasarge

 Today was, once again, awesome. We decided to collaborate a little bit with Kelby, Lola, and Grace on their hiking excursion. We drove up to Mt. Kearsarge bright and early to see some of the views from the fire tower. We were anticipating snatching up some trash on the way up to summit, however we were pleasantly surprised to see little litter on the trails. This is interesting considering the hiking group always complains about large amounts of trash on their hikes. Once we made it up to the top, we went up the fire tower and indulged in a lovely conversation with our new pal, Ron. He is responsible for marking fires he sees and reporting them to other fire towers in order to mark their exact location. They then send this information to the closest fire station for immediate action. We actually witness a lot of smoke on the horizon and he informed us that it was controlled. We asked him several questions about his work as he has been a New Hampshire resident his whole life and he...

Day Nine: Flyers, Prep For Activities Fair

Today was a good one. We woke up this morning with grinding on our minds. First things first, we made an awesome breakfast and made sure to compost egg shells, and the egg carton from my neighbor's chickens. Then we watched, "Our Earth", a Netflix documentary that highlights some of nature's beauties as well as some of the threats that face wildlife all over the world if action is not taken. We saw this as an opportunity to get a little more urgent about our matter. This is narrated by the one and only   Sir   David Attenborough. Some of the major issues are our carbon emissions. Unfortunately, we have to emit carbon when we drive from place to place, however, we have tried our best to make sure we are turning lights off as we leave rooms. Then we worked on our fliers. Each one of us tackled a different subject. Mine was sustainably living. I essentially want to talk about little changes everyone can make in their lives to reduce their carbon footprint. This is a life...