Day 14: More poster work with a touch of Wolfboro

 On our Sunday, we took some more time to head out to Staples and get the supplies we needed in order to get crafting away a little more. Our idea is to create a poster board that has both our flyers, one about composting, and one about recycling, as well as a little blurb about the people we talked to. in addition, we want to rank the locations we went to on their dirtiness. We will also be showing off some of our videos and photos from the past couple of weeks that we have been documenting on our Instagram. We also want to give people the opportunity to check out our Instagram as we plan on posting on it no matter the occasion. On Monday, we spent some time in Wolfeboro on the trails and found about a plastic bag's worth of trash. What a fulfilling way to end our time on a senior project. We feel so grateful to have been given the opportunity to go out and learn hands-on. It is safe to say we learned a lot during this journey. 



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