Day five: The City of Concord

Today was a day well spent in The City of Concord as we searched to find sustainable options for average joes. We actually initially wanted to talk to the people at the dump in order to find simpler ways to recycle and more efficient ways to throw out their trash, however, they were quite busy today and not in the mood for conversation. That’s ok! We will persist! And that we did. We wandered into Concords, Bonafide Green Goods store which sells sustainable alternatives for pretty much everything you can think of. We actually set up an interview with the store owner for next week so that we can get a little insight in how she lives life. I’m actually really glad we spent some time in there. Pek purchased a little card as a Mother’s Day gift that you can actually plant and a sunflower will grow. We thought that was pretty neat. Then, we communicated with our Mentor, Lynda Everett and she has decided to check out Bonafide herself and purchase some of their awesomeness. All in all, today was absolutely killer as we also got to indulge in our cold lunches #coldlunchesrock we spent making all morning. We’re trying to be more aware of the amount of waste we produce by cooking meals at home and packing them on the go. This not only saved us money, but also nothing went in the trash can. Here’s to tomorrow being a fantabulous day! 



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