Day One: Kezar Lake

Contrary to our original plan, we decided a good way to test the ropes on our project was to go local at Kezar Pond. One of our challenges was planning out a time if we ran into a potential area that was not littered with trash. Today, we dove into our adventure knowing that all four hours would not be spent picking up trash. Yesterday, we purchased trash bags, trash grabbers, a speaker, and gloves to be prepared for whatever was ahead of us. It was a windy day, so we were careful not to let anything fly off into the lake. We got to Kezar at 10am to get to work. Kezar Lake is located in Sutton, New Hampshire, only about a 15-minute drive from campus. There are plenty of trails and a road that takes you around the entire lake. We walked for about an hour before stopping to eat lunch, and then we continued. One of the main things that we noticed was that there were literally no trashcans anywhere, and even though it was early spring, it was easy to tell pedestrians' laziness when it came to properly disposing of their trash. We spent a lot of time in the park area looking for trashcans and it was that communal area that had the most amount of trash. We documented parts of our day on our Instagram account which has been slowly but surely racking up some serious followers. We hope to encourage the state to include trashcans in these areas to at least have no excuse for the litter. We did not end up leaving until around 2 o'clock, and we carved out about 30 minutes for our lunch and around 30 minutes of mapping out reasonable locations for trashcans around the park and lake. All in all, we have plenty of ideas for the next two weeks in regard to living and encouraging a more sustainable, trash-less life. 

Hours- 10-2 (3.5 hours)

(30 minutes) on-campus work 

4 hours total 


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