Day Three: Elbow Pond

 Going into it, we knew that Elbow is notoriously clean, but we still wanted to help better the places we love and use so much. This morning, we woke up on the earlier side to get crafting our master plan. That being said, we started laying down the plans for potential trash cans at Kezar Lake considering so far, this was our most polluted area. Then we started brainstorming ideas for our flyers essentially encouraging people to carry in and out of these locations or place their trash in the cans provided. However, at Elbow, there are no trashcans, yet we barely found any trash. We came to the conclusion that this is because the Proctor community knows better than to leave trash in these areas, and there are probably people regularly coming to clean it. Basically, whenever we have a hard time finding trash, we take our time with trail maintenance to make sure people know where the trails are. Our day spent at Elbow gave us the perfect example of what these communities should look like. Tomorrow, our goal is to continue plotting out trashcan locations, working on our flyers, and making sure that there is no trash in sight! #trashnomo. 

HOURS: 4 total


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