WEEKLY REFLECTION (weekly reflection)

 This week was nothing but fulfilling. We started off a little concerned that maybe we weren't going to be able to fill up our time only picking trash considering the local spots are clean. With that being said, we made a plan to try and reduce the amount of trash we were using every day so that we would not be a part of that problem. We still managed to get around to picking up trash as this is very beneficial, however, we wanted to go the extra distance. We would separate our mornings by meal prepping and getting ready to venture out. We made sure to pack our lunches and eat breakfast here as a way to save a little more money and reduce the amount of trash we were producing. We were very good about staying on top of this as this is something we are relatively passionate about. I think in all, we probably have a lot more hours than we have written out considering the amount of time we spend cooking and prepping for our day. Another thing that we have been pretty excited about is our interview with Store Owner, Ray, from Bonafide Green Goods in Concord, NH. Based off of all the awesome sustainability in the store, we can only assume that Ray will have plenty of tips for us so that we can live a more sustainable life. We also decided that one of the main reasons why there would be trash in these local areas is because people are lazy, and there are no trash cans. We decided that there needed to be an official plan set in stone so that people will have no excuses to litter. We decided to map out some trash can locations and make some flyers encouraging people to do the right thing. 

Our Instagram is a great way to express what we do because, at the end of the day, we simply want to spread awareness of our cause. I think this has been really good considering every day when we go to lacrosse practice, someone will come up to us and say that they picked up trash on the side of the road because they felt like they had to. Our goal is not necessarily to guilt people into doing the right thing, but in some way, it is. We want people to feel a little more sense of urgency considering the fact that we are the last generation before our Earth crumbles. Apes classes this spring really helped me feel this urgency considering the amount of time we spent looking at world clocks that ticked away what little time we have left as humanity. The goal is to continue our encouragement long after we are completed with this project. 

This week, we plan to continue our #trashnomo and make sure that we are showing off our newfound sustainable way of living. 


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